
Faithlie Dental Centre

Fraserburgh, Aberdeenshire

Situated at the North West corner of the Fraserburgh Hospital complex, this c.£1 million development, was completed in January 2014.

The facility accommodates five state-of-the-art dental treatment rooms with a dedicated X-Ray suite, a decontamination suite, and various staff administrative and support spaces, with a focus on creating a relaxing and welcoming environment for patients, staff and the wider community while reducing in energy use and carbon emissions and overall running and life cycle costs

The accommodation was arranged over a single storey in an L-shaped form with a pitched roof, designed to sit comfortably against the backdrop of the existing single storey hospital

The proposed development uses a simple and fresh palette of materials, sympathetic to the surrounding residential neighbourhood; Dry dash render, grey interlocking concrete tiles with a concealed gutter and aluminium clad timber windows.

To meet the clients brief of reducing energy use and running costs, low U-Values were achieved throughout the thermal envelope and photovoltaic panels were installed on the roof to supplement the M&E design.


Hub North Scotland / NHS Grampian

Design and Construction Team

Mackie Ramsay Taylor
Structural Engineer:
Cameron + Ross
Morrison Construction